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Could Your Child Have Been Injured During Birth? If in Doubt, Consult a Solicitor

Many parents of children born disabled believe that fate has dealt them a bad hand and no one is to blame. However, as a High Court case in which a teenager won multi-million-pound damages showed, you should consult a solicitor straight away if there is the slightest doubt in your mind.

The teenager suffered from epilepsy and severe learning difficulties. For his first 13 years of life, his parents had no idea that they might have a viable claim against the NHS trust that ran the hospital where he was born. Only after he suffered an accident at a swimming pool did they contact solicitors, who swiftly detected that he had been injured during his birth.

After proceedings were launched on the teenager's behalf, the trust admitted liability for his injuries in full. A settlement was negotiated whereby he will receive a lump sum of £5 million, plus substantial index-linked and tax-free annual payments to cover the costs of his care for the rest of his life. The Court had no hesitation in approving the settlement.

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