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Foreign Nationals Injured Whilst Visiting the UK Can Rely on English Lawyers

It is inevitable that accidents befall some of the millions of foreign nationals who visit Britain every year and, if the worst happens, they can rely on UK lawyers to ensure that they are properly compensated. That was certainly so in the case of a Swedish man who was struck by a black taxi whilst on a trip to London.

The middle-aged man was in London for professional reasons when the cab hit him in the early hours of the morning. The catastrophic brain injury he suffered left him profoundly disabled, requiring help with all aspects of his everyday life. A fundamental change in his personality had prompted his mother to say that there was nothing left of the man he once was.

After proceedings were launched on his behalf, the cab driver denied that he was in any way to blame for the accident. He asserted that he was not speeding and that the man walked directly into his path, giving him no chance to stop. After negotiations, however, a settlement of the man's personal injury claim was achieved. The cab driver's insurers agreed to pay a lump sum of 32 million Swedish kronor, the equivalent of about £2.78 million.

In approving the settlement, the High Court noted that that was a relatively modest sum given the extent of his care needs. However, the Swedish state provided him with more generous assistance than would be available in the UK. The settlement would serve to top up his state provision and will enable him to be looked after around the clock by two carers for the rest of his life. The cab driver's insurers had made no admission of liability and the settlement fairly reflected the litigation risks that would have been associated with a contested trial.