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Granddaughter of Asbestos Victim Receives Thousands in Compensation

If a loved one dies through someone else's fault, you are entitled to compensation in full for the loss of the free services they would otherwise have provided you with. In a case on point, the granddaughter of a man who died from a rare form of asbestos-related cancer received thousands of pounds in damages.

Whilst working as a lagger between 1967 and 1983, the man breathed in and swallowed considerable amounts of asbestos dust. He died in 2019 from peritoneal mesothelioma, a cancer which develops in the lining of the abdomen. He endured severe pain and persistent vomiting, and succumbed to the disease within a year of diagnosis.

The man's family took action against a company that employed him during the relevant period, initially as an apprentice. Liability was not disputed and his widow's claim was settled on confidential terms. Due to his granddaughter's youth, however, judicial approval was required for the settlement of her loss of dependency claim under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976.

In granting the approval sought, the High Court found that the proposed settlement for a lump sum of £3,918 fairly reflected the value of childcare services and homework assistance her grandfather would have provided to her had he survived. The money will be invested in a tax-efficient Individual Savings Account to be used in due course to help fund her university education.