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Help for Road Accident Victim Left All Alone in the World

Some of the most seriously injured accident victims have no close family or friends to look after them and are essentially alone in the world. However, as a High Court case showed, that in no way deters personal injury lawyers from battling for justice on their behalf.

The case concerned a man in his 60s who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury when he was struck by a van as he crossed the road. Before the accident, he led a somewhat isolated existence and he had no family or friends to visit him in the nursing home where he was cared for.

In the seven years since the accident, he had barely risen from his bed. Any attempt to encourage him to do so was met by strong, sometimes physical, resistance. A keen football supporter, he appears to enjoy watching television and is content to be cared for without being disturbed. His life expectancy was agreed to be in single figures and one medical expert had described it as a miracle that he is still alive. He has, however, shown unexpected strength and resilience.

After the Official Solicitor launched a damages claim on his behalf, the van driver's insurers agreed to pay 60 per cent of the full value of his claim. Following further negotiations, final settlement terms were reached whereby he will receive a £195,000 lump sum, plus index-linked annual payments of £23,000 a year for the rest of his life.

The chances of rehabilitation are slight, but the annual payments mean that his care regime can continue for so long as he lives. In approving the settlement, the Court praised both sides for reaching a just and sensible outcome to a difficult case.