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Swift Financial Relief Obtained for Overseas Road Accident Victim

Those who are injured in road accidents abroad face particular challenges in winning just compensation. A High Court case, however, showed that expert lawyers are well able to meet them in swiftly obtaining financial relief for their clients.

The case concerned a middle-aged Environment Agency employee who was hit by a car as he crossed a road in Amsterdam. He sustained a serious injury to his right foot resulting in chronic pain, persistent stiffness and swelling. His disabilities were so grave that he was planning to undergo an elective below-knee amputation. He was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

After action was taken on the man's behalf, the motorist's Dutch insurers admitted liability in full. The man's claim was complicated by the fact that, due to the location of the accident, the amount of his compensation stood to be assessed under Dutch law. That, however, did not prevent an interim payment of more than £120,000 being swiftly obtained to tide him over until his case came to court.

Following a hearing, the High Court authorised a further interim payment of £116,000 in order to meet his immediate care and other needs. It did so on the basis that, not including compensation for future losses, his claim was conservatively worth more than £260,000. The precise amount of his award will be assessed, if not agreed, at a trial which will take place roughly six years after the accident.