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Martha Norman-Long
      • Martha Norman-Long
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      • Silverwell House
      • 32 Silverwell Street
      • Bolton
      • Lancashire
      • BL1 1PT
      • 01204 540900
      • 01204 362129

Martha Norman-Long

Where/when you studied: BA (Hons) History at the University of Manchester 2016-2019

Professional expertise before joining the firm: Limited work experience at a criminal defence firm but other than that, none

When you joined the firm: June 2019

Department responsibilities (within the firm): I support lawyers in the Criminal and Family Teams and assist them with the preparation of their cases. I also advise in some civil and commercial disputes.

Areas of special legal expertise: I work as a Trainee Solicitor mainly in the Family Department where I prepare cases involving care proceedings, divorce and finances as well as some prosecutorial work for the HSE. I also work in the Criminal Department assisting on a wide variety of cases.

Name: Martha Norman-Long

Position: Paralegal

Where educated: The University of Manchester

First job: Waitress and barista

Hobbies: Cooking, swimming and reading

Favourite food: Sushi

Favourite film: Romeo and Juliet

Favourite group/artist: The 1975

Ultimate holiday destination: Canada

Favourite sport/team: Gymnastics

Favourite book: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr 

Likes: Gossip Girl, my cats, good coffee

Dislikes: Slow walkers, mess, baked beans

Personal ambition: To run a marathon